Coaching to Overcome Anxiety
When we come into this world, we are anxiety and fear free. What we learn from there on, based on our environment and situations we encounter. This forms the basis of our beliefs, attitudes and responses, all of which drive our behaviour.
Freedom from anxiety.....
When overcoming general anxiety, be it specific or generalised, you will learn how to take back control over your thinking and belief systems.
With any form of anxiety of phobia, it is actually a learnt, unhelpful response to a situation or perceived future scenario or event.
The work that we do together,, will focus on you taking back control of your thoughts, feelings and belief systems.
The most important criteria to consider, when making positive changes in your life, is that you want to change. If you are prepared to put in the time, effort and understanding, there is no reason why you should not be able to overcome any anxiety, and live a completely different life, being anxiety-free.
If you suffer from panic attacks....
Panic attacks are a frightening and scary experience.
Anxiety and panic attacks are one of the most common symptoms that I work with.
Many of my coaching clients have felt enormous relief after the first session. When you start to understand how you are creating the panic attacks and what you need to do to start undoing that process, you will already start to feel more empowered and in control.
Often panic attacks seem to “come out of the blue” and suddenly feel as though they are consuming your life. If you are experiencing panic attacks, in all likelihood, you are feeling a sense of being out of control and very worried about when the next panic attack is likely to occur again. Panic attacks can come on very suddenly and can last for minutes and even hours. The unpredictability of the panic attacks can become very anxiety inducing, which then locks you into a cycle of worrying that they will happen, which is what actually brings them on.
As frightening as panic attacks are, the good news is that there is a lot that can be done to overcome them. It might not feel like that at the moment and you may not even believe that possible.
Panic attack symptoms
The symptoms of panic attacks can often mimic those of having a heart attack, which is part of the reason that they feel so scary. Usual symptoms of panic attacks are :
Increase in heart rate
Quickness of breathing
Sweaty and clammy hands
Feeling like blood is draining away from your face
A sense of feeling like you might be going mad
Enormous sense of fear
Sense of helplessness and feeling out of control
Feeling light headed or as if you are going to faint
Blotchiness of skin
Tingling sensation
It usually takes between 4 – 6 sessions to learn how to take back control and overcome your anxiety and panic attacks.

The next step….
If you would like to talk through the process, book an initial consultation or if you have any questions you would like to ask, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to e-mail me: shirley[@] or give me a ring on 07894 333378